本文讨论利用通信协议宏功能 (MACRO)在 OM-RON PL C与外围设备通信中的应用。重点介绍了通信协议宏功能的组成和应用。通过使用通信协议宏功能使得 OMRONPL C与外围设备通信更方便、程序执行效率更高 ,提升了OMRON PL C的通信功能。
This article discusses the use of communication protocol megafunctions (MACROs) for communication between OM-RON PL C and peripherals. It mainly introduces the composition and application of communication protocol macro function. Through the use of communication protocol megafunctions make OMRONPL C more convenient communication with peripherals, program execution more efficient and enhance OMRON PL C communication capabilities.