Behaviour of Hydrogen in Nano-transition Metals

来源 :Journal of Materials Science & Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:feijj2002_99
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Nanocrystalline transition metals were prepared with Ar+H2 arc plasma method. The hydrogenmust be used during preparation to get a special nanrvparticles. The hydrogen plays an importantrole in the structure and state of nanocrystalline transition metals. The state of hydrogen andthe change of the nanocrystalline metal structure caused by hydrogen are called the behaviour ofhydrogen in nano-transition metals which includes the ability and function of storing hydrogenin the metals. The hydrogen plays an important role in preparing to get a special nanorvparticles. The hydrogen plays an importantrole in the structure and state of nanocrystalline transition metals. The state of hydrogen and the change of the nanocrystalline metal structure caused by hydrogen are called the behavior of hydrogen in nano-transition metals which includes the ability and function of storing hydrogen in the metals.
从上世纪80年代诞生便拥有了忠实簇拥的激流金属曾一度席卷世界摇滚圈。随着时代的不断发展,对传统OLD-SCHOOL THRASH METAL的抱怨之声也随之出现,诸如“他们就是傻快!”、“
我是一名图书管理员,平时爱好阅读,特别是《现代妇女》,我更是爱不释手。   《现代妇女》是我最喜欢的刊物之一,是我生活中的导师,是我前进中的阶梯。瞧瞧那目录,它的题材广泛,涉及故事、人物、真情、梦想、感悟、婚姻、家庭、爱情、心理、生活、观点、趣闻、读者频道,包罗万象,既丰富了我的知识,又增长了我的见识。   近三十年来,别的不说,杂志的内容更加丰盈了,那些故事是那么真挚朴实、动人心扉,字里行间
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NH3-CH3OH system was studied by ab initio calculations at the Hartree-Fock level using the 6-31Gbasis set. Equilibrium geometries of both of its ionic (type I a