江总书记在西安向全党全国人民发出实施西部大开发战略的动员令后,省委、省政府成立了迎接西部大开发研究小组,除抓重大课题的调查研究外,还办了三件具体事情:一是争取《西部大开发》刊号;二是创办了中国西部互联网站;三是成立了西部证券公司。 《西部大开发》已经办了几期,有了个好的开局。定位比较准,紧扣西部大开发的主弦律;品位比较高,内容也在向“活”的方面推进。建国、安东同志比较满意,西部一些省的领导也认为不错。 下一步如何搞,我提四点希望:
After General Secretary Jiang sent a mobilization letter to the entire party and the people of the whole country in implementing the strategy of large-scale development of the western region in Xi’an, the provincial party committee and government set up a research group for the large-scale development of the western region. Apart from the investigation and study of grasping major issues, three specific Things: One is to win the “Western Development” issue number; the second is the establishment of China’s western Internet site; the third is the establishment of the western securities company. The “Western Development” has already gone through several stages and has a good start. Positioning more accurate, closely linked to the development of Western China’s main string; grade is relatively high, the content is also to “live” aspects of the promotion. The founding of the country, Comrade Anton more satisfied, the leaders of some western provinces also think good. How to deal with the next step, I mention four hope: