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蚌埠市地处安徽北部,坐落于京沪铁路与淮河的交汇点上,千里淮河从市中心蜿蜒穿过,为我国南北地理分界线。蚌埠交通发达,水陆通(?);山水相映,四季分明;历史悠久,包容兼蓄;民风淳厚,爽直崇新。“凝心聚力,开拓创新,争先崛起,加快蚌埠跨越式发展”表达了全市人民的共同意愿,一致行动和坚强决心。今天的蚌埠,正以博大开放的胸襟和奋力崛起的雄心,成为中部崛起的一颗耀眼明星。为进一步宣传蚌埠新形象,增进对蚌坤的了解、关爱和支持,激发全市人民热爱蚌埠、建设蚌埠、奉献蚌埠满腔热情,特向全国征集蚌埠 Bengbu City is located in northern Anhui Province, located at the intersection of the Beijing-Shanghai Railway and the Huaihe River, thousands of miles of Huaihe meandering through the city center, as China’s geographical dividing line between North and South. Bengbu traffic developed, land and sea (?); Landscape phase, four seasons; has a long history, inclusive and accommodating; “Unite together, pioneer and innovate, strive for the first rise, and accelerate the development of Bengbu by leaps and bounds ” expressed the people of the city’s common will, concerted action and strong determination. Today, Bengbu is becoming a dazzling star with a broad-minded mind and a rising ambition. In order to further publicize the new image of Bengbu, enhance the understanding, care and support for Bikun, inspire the people in the city to love Bengbu, build Bengbu and devote themselves to Bengbu with enthusiasm, and solicit Bengbu nationwide
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一位旅居欧洲多年的伊朗音乐人在演出结束后来到后台向笛子演奏家蒋国基请教巨笛的奥秘。 A Iranian musician who lived in Europe for many years came to the background
“摇头丸”的化学名称是亚甲基二氧甲基苯丙胺 (methylenedioxymethamphetamine ,MDMA) ,MDMA在结构上类似甲基苯丙胺和致幻剂麦司卡林 (mescaline) ,具有中枢兴奋和致幻作用 ,故又称“迷魂药”(ecstasy)。MDMA于 19 The chemical name
我院为市级医院,因地处市中心,每天门诊量在三百人次左右,门诊就诊病人比较复杂。为了加强门诊管理,防止交叉感染,护理部采取了各种措施,使院内感染降低到最低水平。 1.加强
十字花科独行菜属Lepidium meyenii是一种分布在秘鲁高海拔地区的植物,其梨形块茎胚轴具有很高的营养价值。当地印第安人用其治疗贫血、肺结核、不育以及疲劳等病症。本次首