目的通过120dB SPL宽频带白噪声对巴马香猪和豚鼠各进行单次3小时的暴露,观察比较该种噪声对两种模型动物听力损伤的特点,找到更适用于研究噪声性听力损伤的动物模型。方法选取8只6月龄ABR听阈正常的巴马香猪,和8只5~6周龄ABR听阈正常的豚鼠,设置4个ABR测听记录点:噪声暴露前,噪声暴露后即刻(P0)、1天(P1)、7天(P7)。全部测听结束后,取材制作耳蜗标本,进行扫描电镜观察形态。结果通过统计学分析,豚鼠组在120dB SPL宽频带白噪声暴露后即刻的ABR阈值与暴露1天的ABR阈值具有明显差异,具有统计学意义,而巴马香猪组则无明显统计学差异。豚鼠组在噪声暴露前和噪声暴露后7天的ABR阈值无明显统计学差异,而巴马香猪组却有明显的统计学差异。相对于豚鼠,巴马香猪耳蜗标本扫描电镜提示了更多的纤毛异常。结论120d B SPL宽频带白噪声暴露会对巴马香猪和豚鼠造成一定程度的听力损伤。其中巴马香猪较豚鼠表现更为明显的听力损失,且毛细胞出现了更多的病理改变,由此本研究表明在120d B SPL宽频带白噪声单次暴露3小时的条件下,巴马香猪是一个更适于白噪声与听力损伤的研究的动物模型,从而可以更好地为噪声性耳聋提供动物模型。
OBJECTIVE To observe the characteristics of hearing loss of the two animal models by comparing the noise of Bamaou pigs and guinea pigs exposed by white noise of 120dB SPL broadband for a single 3 hours to find more suitable animals for studying noise-induced hearing impairment model. Methods Eight Bama Hong pigs with normal ABR hearing threshold at 6 months and 8 guinea pigs with normal ABR hearing threshold at 5 ~ 6 weeks were enrolled. Four ABR audiometry records were recorded before noise exposure (P0) , One day (P1), seven days (P7). After the completion of all audiometry, drawn specimens of cochlear, scanning electron microscopy morphology. Results By statistical analysis, there was a significant difference between the ABR threshold of guinea pigs immediately after the 120dB SPL broadband white noise exposure and the ABR threshold of one day of exposure. There was no statistical difference between the two groups. The ABR threshold of guinea pig group before noise exposure and 7 days after noise exposure had no statistical difference, but the Bama Xiang pig group had obvious statistical difference. Compared with guinea pigs, scanning electron microscopy of the Bamaou pig’s cochlear specimens prompted more cilia abnormalities. Conclusion 120d B SPL broadband white noise exposure causes some degree of hearing impairment in Bamaou and guinea pigs. Among them, Bama Xiang pigs showed more significant hearing loss than guinea pigs, and the hair cells appeared more pathological changes. Therefore, this study showed that under the condition of single exposure of broadband white noise of 120d BSPL for 3 hours, Pigs are a better animal model for the study of white noise and hearing impairment, so as to provide better animal model for noise-induced deafness.