英剧《唐顿庄园》(Downton Abbey)是继95版《傲慢与偏见》(Pride and Prejudice)之后,最受人追捧的一部英国时代剧。从沉稳的镜头语言、跌宕起伏的家族故事、充满矛盾和隐忍的人物性格,可看出人类从原始阶段到当今社会逐渐形成的普遍意识,流露出人性最原始的意识。神话原型批评理论可运用于深刻解读英剧《唐顿庄园》第一季中的形形色色的人物性格,以及故事情节的特点,进而追溯其经典神话原型,以寻找历史重要主题,从中深入探究人类的“集体无意识”。
Downton Abbey is the most sought-after English drama since the 95th edition of Pride and Prejudice. From the calm lens language, the ups and downs of family stories, full of contradictions and forbearing character, we can see the universal consciousness gradually formed from the primitive stage to today’s society, revealing the most primitive consciousness of human nature. Mythic Archetypal Criticism can be used to profoundly interpret the characters in different genres in the first season of the English drama “Downton Abbey” and the characteristics of the storyline, and then trace its classic mythological archetype in search of important historical topics, “Collective unconscious ”.