It has long been recognized that the functions of the right and left brains work independently and irrelevantly. But the latest findings tell us that our brains are far more complex than people dare to imagine. A 21-year-old woman was born paralyzed in the right half of her body. Her right arm and right leg attack seizures at least once a week, losing her mind every three or four days. After her doctors had exhausted all the more modest treatment, they resolved to cut off her entire left hemisphere. According to the neurological orthodoxy, the left brain is in charge of her right side. The result of the surgery was not surprising. Within a few weeks, the woman gradually dominated her right body. She worked and led what her doctor called “positive social life.” Such cases have a profound impact on our brain. First, they fiercely hit the theory of claiming that they can find functional points in their minds in the same way they find city locations on maps.