
来源 :中国核工业 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qingyou123
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大亚湾核电集团公司党委根据近年来分配到核电站的大学生的思想素质状况,决定让他们到生活工作较艰苦的矿山来体察。继去年四五月间组织95、96届毕业的新员工五批436人到七四五矿参观学习之后,今年又分三批将97届大学毕业的新员工194人派到七四五矿参观学习。为了让远道而来的核电站新员工学习、生活得好并确保安全,七四五矿党政领导十分重视,动员全矿职工以做好工作的实际行动来热情接待。使新员工既看到井下生产、水冶生产现场职工艰苦工作的情景,初步了解核电原料初级产品生产的知识;又能听到 The party committee of the Daya Bay Nuclear Power Group Corporation decided to let them go to the mines where life is harder to study based on the ideological quality of college students who had been assigned nuclear power stations in recent years. In April and May of last year, after organizing five groups of 946 employees graduated from the 95th and 96th classes to visit 745th mine, 194 new graduates of the 97 university graduates were sent to the 745 mines in three batches this year. Learn. In order to allow the new employees of the nuclear power plant from afar to study and live well and ensure safety, the party and government leaders of the 40,000 Mine attach great importance to mobilizing all mine workers to do a good job of the actual action to warmly receive. Make new employees not only see the scene of the hard work of the employees in the underground production and hydrometallurgical production sites, but also have a preliminary understanding of the knowledge of nuclear power raw material production;
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