【摘 要】
ORAL contraceptives are widely used to prevent pregnancy.A number of studies have dem-onstrated the increased risk of venous throm-boembolism in women taking or
【机 构】
Department of Cardiology
ORAL contraceptives are widely used to prevent pregnancy.A number of studies have dem-onstrated the increased risk of venous throm-boembolism in women taking oral contracep-tives.1,2 Pulmonary embolism (PE) and deep vein throm-bosis (DVT) are two clinical presentations of venous thromboembolism which share the same predisposing factors.3 This article described a female patient who taked oral contraceptives and had an unhealthy life habit de-veloped PE and DVT.
目的 探索磁共振成像(MRI)与关节镜检查对膝关节半月板损伤的临床诊疗价值.方法 对125例膝关节半月板损伤患者的MRI及关节镜检查资料进行回顾性分析.结果 MRI检查阳性率为49
临床资料患者,男,56岁.主因胸背部疼痛20 d余,红斑、水疱2d,于2011年8月17日就诊.患者20 d前因腰部扭伤,胸背部出现疼痛,活动后加剧;多方诊治,效果欠佳 胸背部疼痛渐加剧.曾
目的 恐怖主义既是当代世界的一大公害,又是一个相当复杂的政治和社会问题,它是全人类文明社会的共同敌人,是危害世界和平与安全,经济发展与社会进步的毒瘤.方法 查阅美国国
SEVERE tracheal stenosis can not only cause criti-cal medical problems such as severe shortness of breath,hypoxia,and even orthopnea,but also impose overwhelmin
目的 了解中国人民武装警察基层部队对自然疫源性疾病防控方法的掌握情况及卫生防疫方面相关措施.方法 自行设计调查问卷,采取整群抽样的方法,2011年参加培训的武警部队基层
APLASTIC anemia (AA) is a bone marrow failure disease caused by abnormal activation of T lymphocytes,resulting in the apoptosis of he-matopoietic cells and bone