茄子新品种‘赣茄1号’是以‘杭州红茄’多代自交系选育的HQ2003-05-1为母本,以‘石碣长茄’多代自交系选育的SJ2004-06-3为父本配制而成的一代杂种。植株生长势强,始花节位在第11~12节。果实长棒形,长26.0~32.0 cm,粗4.0~5.0 cm,单果质量200~250 g。果实紫红色,果面平滑,着色均匀,有光泽。果肉白色,肉质紧密度好,品质优,商品性佳。早熟,抗病性强,产量高。适合长江流域栽培。
The new eggplant variety ’Gan’Za 1’ was selected from ’HJ2004-05-1’ with multiple generations of inbred line ’Hangzhou Hong’Hua as female parent and SJ2004- 06-3 is a paired parental hybrid. Strong growth potential plants, the first flower festival in the first 11 to 12. Fruit long rod shape, length 26.0 ~ 32.0 cm, coarse 4.0 ~ 5.0 cm, single fruit mass 200 ~ 250 g. Fuchsia fruit, fruit smooth, uniform coloring, shiny. White flesh, flesh tightness, good quality, good product. Early maturity, disease resistance, high yield. Suitable for cultivation in the Yangtze River.