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广东天地会起义与太平天国起义作为同时代发生的反清起义,存在着显著差异。这些差异不仅体现在时间、地点、规模等表层因素上,而且还反映在启动源、发动媒介与政权形态、变革社会的程度等深层次因素上。太平天国起义的启动源为对西方文明的认知与追求,而广东天地会起义的启动源为“反清复明”;对当时的中国而言,对西方文明的认知与追求既具有救亡意义,又具有发展意义,而“反清复明”只具有救亡意义。太平天国起义的发动媒介为拜上帝教,而广东天地会起义的发动媒介为天地会,这一巨大差异使两次起义所建立的政权形态也呈现出重大区别,即太平天国为“政教合一”的统一政权形态,而广东天地会则建立了众多世俗的政权。在变革社会时太平天国试图用西方文明从各方面改造中国,体现出了中国社会进步方向;而广东天地会仍跳不出小农与封建思想的藩篱,起义只停留于推翻旧政权这一肤浅层面上。正是这些差异,使得这两次起义的时代意义与历史地位不可同日而语。 There was a significant difference between the Tiandihui uprising in Guangdong and the uprising in the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom as an anti-Qing uprising in the contemporary era. These differences are not only reflected in the surface factors such as time, place and scale, but also reflected in the deep-seated factors such as the source of initiation, the formation of media and political power, and the degree of social transformation. The starting source of the Taiping Rebellion was the cognition and pursuit of the Western civilization, while the starting source of the Heaven and Earth Society uprising in Guangdong was “Anti-Fuming”; for China at that time, the recognition and pursuit of the Western civilization were both salvation Meaning, but also has the significance of development, and “anti-Qing Fu Ming ” only has the salvation significance. The starting media of the Taiping Rebellion was the worship of God, and the launching medium of the Heavenly Peace Society in Guangdong was Heaven and Earth Society. This huge difference made the political regime established by the two uprisings also showed a major difference. That is, the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom was “ ”The form of a unified regime, and Guangdong world will have established many secular regimes. In transforming society, the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom attempted to transform China from all aspects with Western civilization and reflected the direction of social progress in China. However, it could not jump beyond the fence of smallholders and feudal ideology, and the insurrection only stayed on the superficial level of overthrowing the old regime . It is these differences that make the epochs of the two uprisings meaningless and historical.