目的建立便捷的鼠疫菌文献数据库系统,从而提高文献利用效率。方法运用End Note X5文献管理软件进行文献收集整理,通过Perl及PHP等计算机语言规范数据格式、构建实体关系模型、搭建系统和开发网页;选择中小型网站开发中常用的Apache+PHP+My SQL组合进行动态网站的开发。结果与结论构建了鼠疫菌文献数据库(访问地址:。该文献数据库可供用户快速检索、浏览并获取鼠疫菌相关文献和著作全文,并提供自动更新的鼠疫菌新闻资讯。该数据库具有前沿性和完整性,为鼠疫菌相关科研及鼠疫疫情的预防控制提供了知识保障,并为其他重要病原文献数据库的建立提供了参考模型。
Objective To establish a convenient database of Y. pestis bacteria literature to improve the efficiency of literature utilization. Methods End Note X5 literature management software was used to collect and collate the documents. Perl and PHP computer language specification data format was used to construct the entity relational model, build the system and develop web pages. Select the Apache + PHP + My SQL combination commonly used in the development of small and medium-sized websites Develop dynamic website. Results and Conclusions The Y. pestis literature database was constructed (Access address: This literature database allows users to quickly search, browse and get the full text of the relevant literature and writings of Y. pestis and provide updated Y. pestis newsletters. The database is frontier and complete, providing knowledge guarantee for the prevention and control of Y. pestis-related research and plague epidemics, and provides a reference model for the establishment of other important pathogenic literature databases.