1997~1999年对中早熟春棉和短季棉品种在一熟条件下的不同播期和密度进行了试验研究。结果表明 ,晚播有利于一播全苗 ,并能调节结铃盛期与山东棉区的最佳结铃期自然重叠 ,伏桃增多 ;密植矮化可使单位面积的总铃数显著增加 ,从而提高了皮棉单产。据此认为棉花晚播密植栽培是山东棉区棉花增产的又一种栽培新途径
The different sowing dates and densities of mid-precocious spring cotton and short-season cotton under first-ripening conditions were studied from 1997 to 1999. The results showed that late sowing was beneficial to the whole seedling sowing and could regulate the peak period of natural bolls and the optimal boll period of Shandong cotton area naturally overlapped with increased sowing peach. Dense planting dwarfing increased the bolls per unit area significantly, Thus increasing the lint yield. Therefore, it is another cultivation method that the cotton late sowing cultivation is a cotton yield increase in cotton field in Shandong Province