有着55年风雨历程的绥化市北林小学,现有34个教学班,1个校内幼儿园,2400余名学生,是一所管理一流、师资一流、设施一流、服务一流的规范化学校。 多年来,北林小学坚持“以德为首、全方位育人”的办学理念,造就了一支师德高尚、学识渊博、教风严谨、勇于开拓的教师队伍。在这支队伍中,涌现出国家骨干教师1人,省级骨干教师1人,市区级骨干教师58人。校内电视闭路系统、电子备课系统、语音教学系统、家庭电话育苗系统、计算机网络系统一应俱全。
With 55 years of stormy history, Suihua Beilin Primary School currently has 34 teaching classes, 1 kindergarten and 2,400 students. It is a standardized school with first-class management, first-class teachers, first-class facilities and first-class service. Over the years, Beilin Primary School adheres to its philosophy of running school with “taking Germany as its leading force and educating people in all aspects”, and has created a contingent of teachers with noble morality, profound learning style, strict teaching style, and courage to explore. In this team, there emerge a national backbone teachers, provincial backbone teachers 1, 58 key urban-level teachers. School closed-circuit television system, electronic lesson preparation system, voice teaching system, home phone nursery system, computer network system readily available.