
来源 :中南财经政法大学学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:David_Wang_GuanJun
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按照革命者提出的目标及历史赋予他们的任务来衡量,辛亥革命是成功的。这次革命,对中国的政治体制、经济发展、社会生活和文化思想的现代化,都起到了启动闸门的作用。在政治方面,它推翻了清王朝,同时建立起中华民国,完成了四千年来国体的一次根本性改变。在经济方面,它扫清了社会生产力和资本主义发展的障碍,开创了国民经济发展的黄金时期。在社会生活方面,它引发了阶层结构、民族关系、人身身份和生活方式等各个层次的巨变。在文化思想方面,它给中国带来了主义大引进和自由选择的环境。 In accordance with the goals set by the revolutionaries and the tasks entrusted to them by history, the Revolution of 1911 succeeded. This revolution has played a role in starting the gate to the modernization of China’s political system, economic development, social life and cultural thought. On the political front, it overthrew the Qing Dynasty and at the same time established the Republic of China, completing a fundamental change in the state body over the past four thousand years. On the economic front, it cleared the obstacles to the development of social productive forces and capitalism and created the golden age of national economic development. In the social life, it triggered the great changes at various levels such as class structure, ethnic relations, personal identity and lifestyle. In terms of cultural thinking, it has brought China an environment of great introduction and freedom of choice.