今年凭证式(一期)国债原计划发行600亿元,发行期从3月1日至4月30日,受到社会的追捧,刚上市就被一扫而空,动作稍慢的老百姓没能如愿买到。4月10日,为满足社会群众投资国债的需要,财政部决定增发2001年凭证式(一期)国债200亿元人民币。依然在当天即告售罄。国债销售的第一天,工商银行上海市静安寺储蓄所,还未开始营业,门口就已排起长龙,不到两小时,售罄。中国银行广东分行1亿元的配额,半天售罄。 国债怎么卖得这么快? 金融界人士指出,这是由于国债购买出现了大户垄断现象,客观上抢占了中小投资者的份额。
This year vouchers (a) treasury bonds originally planned to issue 60 billion yuan, the issue period from March 1 to April 30, sought after by the community, just listed was swept away, the slower people did not act as expected Buy it On April 10, in order to meet the needs of the public to invest in government bonds, the Ministry of Finance decided to issue 20 billion yuan worth of treasury bonds in 2001 (the first issue). Still sold out on the same day. The first day of treasury bonds sales, ICBC Shanghai Jing’an Temple Savings Bank, has not yet started to operate, the door has been lined up, less than two hours, sold out. Bank of China Guangdong Branch quota of 100 million yuan, half a day sold out. Treasury how to sell so fast? Financial sector pointed out that this is due to the monopoly of bond purchases monopoly, the objective to seize the share of small and medium investors.