2017年让这10本书驱走寒冷 暖化你的心

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  The likelihood of a snowy holiday season in most American cities is practically zilch this year (thanks, El Ni?o), so any festive atmosphere to be enjoyed will have to be the imaginary sort. Luckily, there are books for that.
  The Complete Fairy Tales by Hans Christian Andersen
  Any reader of fairy tales knows Andersen’s responsible for the oppressively snowy scenes in “The Snow Queen”, the story of children Kai and Gerda, who must confront the goddess-like woman who controls all snowflakes after Kai is kidnapped. “The Shepherdess and the Chimney Sweep”, and “The Fire-Tree” are great choices for the holiday season.
  Scott Pilgrim by Bryan Lee O’Malley
  The freezing setting of the popular graphic novel series -- snowy, snowy Toronto -- is offset quickly by its gripping pace and cheeky jokes.The movie is good, but the books are even better.
  Family Life by Akhil Sharma
  It‘s a beautiful yet tragic novel about an Indian family immigrating to America, only to face entirely new hardships. Sharma’s novel isn‘t entirely set in the wintertime, but his poetic descriptions of winter weather as lovely yet isolating make it a great choice for a December read.
  Stone Mattress by Margaret Atwood
  In addition to writing ballsy books about the exploitation of women, Margaret Atwood tackles climate change and other environmental themes in her writing, too。 A snowy dystopia serves as the setting for one of the stories in Stone Mattress.Atwood believes it‘s her responsibility to imagine how current realities could worsen.
  Frankenstein by Mary Shelley
  Go ahead and forgo the bizarre movie adaptations that‘ve been produced recently and read or re-read the classic itself. You know the story: a scientist driven by his ambition discovers a method for creating life, and spends two years cobbling together a living creature, who later resents him.   不要看最近刚出来的改编电影,去读读或者重读这本经典小说吧。你肯定很熟悉这个故事:一位科学家极度想要创造生命,他花了两年的时间拼凑出一个生命体,但之后这个生命体却开始恨科学家。
  An American Childhood by Annie Dillard
  Dillard‘s first book is, as its title suggests, about her transition from being a self-centered child to being an adult more concerned with the world around her than with her own personal concerns.Her parents are key figures in the story. One notable scene takes place during what the author calls “a big snow”, in 1950.
  Tinkers by Paul Harding
  Harding‘s novel is peppered with wistful descriptions of “wisps of snow,” “sweet and sharp”. It follows an old man, George Washington Crosby, back to his childhood in Maine, where harsh winters were the norm.
  The Secret History by Donna Tartt
  The narrator of The Secret History is obsessed with tradition, too, especially those that serve as identity markers, and those that might help him cover up his middle-class background. A chunk of the novel is set during a chilly winter break.
  The Diaries of Sofia Tolstoy by Sofia Tolstoy
  If you enjoyed Anna Karenina, you might find Sofia Tolstoy‘s diaries worth a read. Sofia complains of sacrificing her own happiness for the take of her husband’s genius. Her observations of daily life as a mother aren‘t all dark, however: She recalls reading “Grimm’s fairy stories” on a snowy afternoon after sweeping a skating rink.
  Dubliners by James Joyce
  James Joyce wins the award for most emotionally wrought snowy scene. His longish short story “The Dead” begins with the lighthearted dramas. There‘s dancing, political conversation centered on Irish nationalism, and piano-playing。 As sad as the story is, it champions the beauty of daily life, too.
据澳洲网报道,《澳洲发展报告(2015-2016)》近日在北京发布。该报告显示,来自中国大陆的新移民已成为澳洲华人社区的主体和骨干力量。  澳洲政府肯定包括中国移民在内的海外移民在澳洲作出的贡献。澳洲财长莫里森(Scott Morrison)5日对削减移民的呼声予以回绝并表示,澳洲经济的运转离不开海外移民。  报告发布:中国新移民成澳华社骨干力量  最新发布的《澳洲发展报告(2015-2016)》
Selfies are enormously popular on social media. Google statistics have estimated that about 93 million selfies were taken per day in 2014, counting only those taken on Android devices. Selfie accessor
特朗普上台,美国的主流媒体已经把他从头到尾都批了个遍。就连他服用生发剂的事,纽约时报这么“庄严 ”的报纸也不惜做一回黄色小报来宣扬一番。  而特朗普上任以来第一次受到重大挫折则来自司法部门。  美国国土安全部2月4日发布声明,根据美国华盛顿州西区联邦地方法院法官詹姆斯·罗巴特(James Robart)3日作出的裁决,在全美范围内暂停实施特朗普颁布的限制难民等群体入境的行政令。  国土安全部代理新
2月21日,中国公安部与法国内政部签署驾驶证互认换领协议。双方承认对方核发的有效驾驶证,一方准许持有对方国家驾驶证的人员在其境内直接驾车或者免试换领驾驶证。  这就意味着持有中国驾照就可畅游法国。具体要怎么操作?2月27日,公安部交管局给出了详细“攻略”。  去法国旅游探亲,可凭证件直接驾车  如果你是去法国旅游、探亲、出差,在法国居留不超过一年的,可以凭中国驾驶证和法国官方认可的翻译件直接驾车,
小贝最近深陷“邮件门”。黑客黑进小贝电子邮件和文件后敲诈不成破罐破摔,于是小贝的众多黑料被爆了出来……  小贝担任联合国儿童基金会亲善大使逾十年,日前却被曝出善举全都是假的,多年来做公益纯粹为取得骑士爵位头衔。因为没拿到爵士甚至爆粗……  David Beckham was told to sort out his taxes if he wanted a knighthood.  大衛贝克汉姆被
此前,中国“绿卡”申请门槛过高,而一般的居留签证又存在着手续复杂、期限太短等问题,这对国际化人才尤其是海外华裔高层次人才到国内创业创新极为不利。  2015年9月,中央全面深化改革領导小组第十六次会议审议通过《关于加强外国人永久居留服务管理的意见》,外国人永久居留服务管理制度开启了全面改革和创新。  眼下,中国的“绿卡”制度尚处于起步阶段,相关细则在实施当中还需不断探索完善。  但肯定的是,符合“
据美国《侨报》报道,近日,中国与全球智库(CCG)研究编著、社科院社科文献出版社的国际人才蓝皮书《中国留学发展报告(2016)No.5》揭示,近年来超半数海归回国就业后,表现出希望重返国外深造或就业生活的趋势。  报告中也列举了一系列“再归海”的原因,然而一个不容忽视的内在原因是:随着近年赴美留学生数量的增长,大批留学生没能在初次留学毕业后顺利留在国外,于是这些“被海归”的人群在回国就业后的几年中
Match?com网站调查采访的了5000名单身人士,总结了单身汪们互撩的时候最喜欢使用的颜文字。哪个颜文字摘得桂冠?一起来看看吧!  Which emoji do those singles use? Women and men are united in their most and least popular choices:  单身汪会用哪个聊天表情呢?这里总结了男人们和女人们最经常使用的
During Chinese New Year, it is common for urban-dwelling Chinese people to return to their rural hometowns and stay with their relatives.  在春节期间,住在城市的人回到农村过年是很常见的.  This year, users of Weibo and WeCha
下面是10个网友的切身感受和一点点小经验,一起来学学吧!  ① Make your couch a no-eating zone.  吃饭的姿势越自在越坑  “I found that when I sat in my overused, sunken-in spot in the couch with food, it turned into a mindless binge-fest. Sit