Innovate the Medical Assurance Model of Qinghai-Tibet Railway Construction

来源 :Engineering Sciences | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:re_man
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Qinghai-Tibet Railway goes through the hinterland of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. This plateau is famous for its oxygen deficiency, arctic alpine climate, dry and windy weather, strong ultra-violet radiation. It’s also the natural source of plague, and in many regions, drinkable water is scarce. Severe oxygen deficiency will result in such acute diseases as plateau cerebral edema and plateau lung edema, which will seriously affect the patients’ health and working ability. From Nanshankou to Lhasa, every section of the Qinghai-Tibet Railway has an altitude above 3,000 m, out of which 960 km runs on areas higher than 4,000 m. Medical experiments have proven, that under 3,000 m above the sea level,(while the partial pressure of oxygen in pulmonary alveolus air changes significantly,) the oxygen content of the arterial blood will not change greatly (the human body has a flat haemoglobin oxygen ion curve). While the altitude is higher than 3,000 m, with even very little change of, the oxygen content of arterial blood will drop significantly, as a result, the human body will demonstrate a series of oxygen deficiency symptoms. In the construction of Qinghai-Tibet Railway, how to ensure the construction team can be mobilized to the site, they can stay on the site and successfully complete the assigned works is an important issue that we must try our best to address. Qinghai-Tibet Railway goes through the hinterland of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. This plateau is famous for its oxygen deficiency, arctic alpine climate, dry and windy weather, strong ultra-violet radiation. It’s also the natural source of plague, and in many regions , drinkable water is scarce. Severe oxygen deficiency will result in such acute diseases as plateau cerebral edema and plateau lung edema, which will seriously affect the patients’ health and working ability. From Nanshankou to Lhasa, every section of the Qinghai-Tibet Railway has an altitude above 3,000 m, out of which 960 km runs on areas higher than 4,000 m. Medical experiments have proven, that under 3,000 m above the sea level, (while the partial pressure of oxygen in pulmonary alveolus air changes significantly,) the oxygen content of the arterial blood will not change greatly (the human body has a flat hemoglobin oxygen ion curve). While the altitude is higher than 3,000 m, with even very little change of, the oxygen cont ent of arterial blood will drop significantly, as a result, the human body will demonstrates a series of oxygen deficiency symptoms. In the construction of Qinghai-Tibet Railway, how to ensure the construction team can be mobilized to the site, they can stay on the site and successfully complete the assigned works is an important issue that we must try our best to address.
“哥只是一个传说”这句话,我是在2010年央视春晚上第一次听冯巩说的。当时,众皆大笑我亦笑之,但并不明个中缘由。过后方知这是一句歌词,来自网络流行歌曲《不要再迷恋哥》。歌中唱到:  请不要再迷恋哥,哥只是一个传说……虽然我,舍不得,但是我,还是要说……每一个传说都会随着时间褪色……  想不到,年轻人的歌吸引了不再年轻的我,让我想到了很多。斗转星移,沧海桑田,我们经历了太多的传说,仿佛一切都是传说。
原发输尿管肿瘤(癌和息肉)是一少见疾患,由于诊断困难常误诊。本文结合病例提出几种重要检查手段以提高该病诊断率。扼要指出对该病治疗原则。 Primary ureteral tumors (ca