5月的新加坡.气候宜人,春意正浓.《水族世界》一行借参加新加坡鱼展之机先后参观了仟湖鱼业集团(Qian Hu Corporation Limited).新加坡金龙鱼繁殖场(Singapore Arowana Breeding Farm)、东湖水族贸易公司(Tung-Hu Aquarium Trading)、MAX 锦鲤养殖场(KOI FRAM)和庞大水产中心有限公司(Panda Aquatic Centre Pte Ltd)。应国内龙鱼朋友们的强烈要求.从本期开始.本杂志将连载此次参观情况,与此同时.我们还将刊载杂志主编居礼在马来西亚参观龙鱼场的情况介绍,敬请关注。
Singapore in May with a pleasant climate and strong spring mood Aqua World visited Qian Hu Corporation Limited by participating in the Singapore Fish Show The Singapore Arowana Breeding Farm, Tung-Hu Aquarium Trading, MAX Koi Farms and Panda Aquatic Center Pte Ltd. Due to the strong demand of domestic Arowana friends, from this issue, this magazine will link the visit together with our visit, and we will also publish a briefing on how to visit Arowana Farm in Malaysia.