一、中小企业档案管理工作常见病种种伴随档案法规的不断健全、贯彻和“企业档案工作升级”的向广度和深度发展,企业档案工作已出现一个崭新面貌。但不容忽视的是由于主、客观原因,尚有部分企业的档案管理工作没严格按照国家的有关规定有条不紊地实施,尤在一些“场地紧张”、“效益低下”、部门功能“一职多责”的中小企业里,显示出下列常见病: 一是档案材料保管分散。如某单位申报企业升市级,考评组在查核“厂长办公会”、“行政会”、“计划调度会”记录中有没有进行过“安全工作讨论”时,发现档案材料残缺不全,询问某部门,该部门回忆说:“大概在某部门”。结果,辗转再
First, the file management of small and medium-sized enterprises with a variety of common diseases along with the continuous improvement of the archives laws and regulations, and “enterprise file upgrade” to the breadth and depth of development, corporate archives work has emerged a new look. However, due to the main and objective reasons, some archives management work of some enterprises has not been implemented in an orderly manner in strict accordance with the relevant provisions of the state, especially in the fields of “site tension”, “inefficiency” and “departmental functions” “Small and medium enterprises, showing the following common diseases: First, the custody of the file scattered. If a unit declares that an enterprise is promoted to municipal level, the evaluation team found incomplete or incomplete archival materials when checking whether the ”safe work discussion“ was conducted in the records of ”director’s office,“ ”executive council,“ and ”plan and scheduling meeting.“ A department, the department recalled: ”probably in a department." Results, toss again