The right to dispose of a contract is a rather complicated concept of law within the scope of civil law. From an application point of view, it directly relates to the fundamental interests of the parties. In theory, it also involves such issues as property rights, acquisition and social transaction safety. First of all, the disposition of the right to disposition mainly aims at the transfer of ownership of the subject matter between the parties. Such transfer is crucial to the owner and directly affects the safety and determination of the commodity transaction. Second, the right to dispose of the property mainly involves three main stakeholders, namely, the owner, the dissentor and the transferee third party. The ownership of the final ownership of the subject matter has a huge impact on the interests of these three parties. How to balance the conflict of interests among the three parties and maximize the principle of fairness and justice have become the factors that legislators must consider. Based on the article 51 of “Contract Law” and Article 3 of “Judicial Interpretation of Sale and Purchase Contract”, this article analyzes the theoretical structure of non-punitive contract, the application of law and other related issues, and provides a Thinking path.