从事地方党史研究,是个清贫辛苦、默默无闻的工作,可邱林忠却难分难舍地干了32年。他自诩是闽西党史界的老兵。邱林忠1 960年毕业于厦门大学历史系,分配到中国科学院福建分院历史研究所。1963年该所下马,他在地委党史办公室开始了闽西地方党史资料的调查、研究工作。
Engaged in the study of the local history of the party, is a hard-working, obscurity of the work, but Qiu Linzhong, but difficult to work hard for 32 years. He is a veteran of the history of the party in western Fujian. Qiu Linzhong graduated from the History Department of Xiamen University in 960 and assigned to the Historical Institute of Fujian Branch of Chinese Academy of Sciences. In 1963 the institute was dismounted, and he began investigating and researching the history data of local history in western Fujian in the party history office of the prefectural party committee.