提供中药材白花蛇舌草物种特异性鉴定引物以及建立简便、高效的特异性鉴定方法和研制鉴定试剂盒.为此收集目前市场上出现的所有白花蛇舌草正伪品样品共9种,并测定所有样品的核糖体基因ITS区核苷酸序列,在此基础上设计一对物种特异性引物B174和B53,特异性地鉴定白花蛇舌草.表明用这对引物扩增白花蛇舌草,获得207 bp的特异性产物,而其它伪混品样品没有阳性产物.可以认为用白花蛇舌草特异性鉴定引物B174和B53的所配制的鉴定试剂盒具有很好的应用前景.
To provide species-specific identification primers for Chinese herbal diffusa, and to establish a simple and highly efficient method for identifying specific identification and development and identification kits. To collect all the 9 kinds of false samples of Hedyotis diffusa found on the market today. The nucleotide sequence of the ITS region of the ribosomal gene was determined for all samples. Based on this, a pair of species-specific primers B174 and B53 was designed to specifically identify Hedyotis diffusa. It was demonstrated that H. diffusa was amplified with this pair of primers. A specific product of 207 bp was obtained, while other samples of the pseudo-mixed product had no positive product. The prepared identification kit with the specific identification primers B174 and B53 of Hedyotis diffusa could be considered as a promising application.