从有记忆的那一时刻起,我想我已经拥有了经验,经验告诉我如何去“争取”如何去“妥协”。儿童时期的我或他人,我想可能是人的一生中最“真实”的时期,遗憾的是这一时期很短暂。接下来是开始 接受教育,到学校去读书。这样我和其他孩子一样被称为“学生”。记得老师给“学生”二字的解释是——学习生存的人。从此,我们这些年龄相同的人在一个教室里开始学习生存,从小学一直到高中毕业这十一年给我的体验是几十个同学排排坐,
From the moment I remember, I think I already have experience and experience tells me how to “fight” how to “compromise.” I or others in childhood, I think, may be the most “real” period in my life, but unfortunately this period is very short. Next is to start receiving education, go to school to study. That way I was called “student” like any other child. I remember the teacher to “students” is the interpretation of the word - to learn to survive. From then on, all of us, who were the same age, began to learn to live in a classroom. From the beginning of primary school to high school,