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通过对广东茂名油页岩南北排土场的裸地、植林5年、植林16年和天然恢复20年的草地共5块试验地的土壤理化性质、微生物性状及土壤酶活性、凋落物厚度等影响土壤质量的各项因素的化验测试,再进行对比分析和聚类分析,结果表明:当λ=10时,可分为2类,南排土场的3块样地为1类,北排土场的2块样地为1类;当λ=8.8时,可分为3类,南排土场的3块样地为1类,北排土场的2块样地各为1类;当λ=5时,可分为4类,南排土场的大叶相思林地和天然恢复草地2块样地为1类,南排土场的桉树林地为1类,北排土场的2块样地各为1类.可见各类样地土壤特征非常明显,北排裸地土壤干旱,养分贫瘠,为强酸土;北排的林地植林5年的土壤与裸地相差不大,生态修复效果不明显;南排土场天然恢复20年的草地和植林16年的相思林、桉树林,其土壤微生物总数比裸地提高了约20倍,脲酶、磷酸酶、蔗糖酶活性以及土壤呼吸速率都明显增强,土壤理化性质也有所改善;研究中发现,大叶相思树对土壤改良效果要比桉树好;同时也认识到废渣场生态修复是一个非常缓慢的过程,要迅速控制污染,改善环境,必须辅以人工措施,以加速生态修复的进程. Through the physical and chemical properties, microbial characteristics and soil enzyme activities, litter thickness, etc. of 5 plots of grassland in Maoming Oil Shale North-South Dumping Site for 5 years, plantation for 16 years and natural restoration for 20 years The results show that when λ = 10, it can be divided into two categories, three plots for the southern dump site are classified as Category 1, the northern row The two plots of the soil field are class 1; when λ = 8.8, they can be divided into 3 classes, 3 plots for the southern dump site are 1 class and 2 blocks for the northern dump site are 1 class. When λ = 5, it can be divided into four categories. In the southern dump site, two sites of Acacia crassicarpa and two sites of natural restoration grassland are classified into one category. The sample plots are all of type 1. It can be seen that the characteristics of soils in various sample plots are very obvious. The soil in the northern row of bare land is arid and nutrient-poor, with strong acid soils. The soil in bare- And the effect was not obvious. The total number of soil microorganisms in the grassland of 20 years of natural recovery in the southern dump site and the agro-forest and eucalyptus forest for 16 years increased about 20 times than that of the bare land. The urease, phosphatase and sucrase activity As well as soil respiration rate were significantly enhanced soil physical and chemical properties also improved; study found that Acacia improved soil to better than Eucalyptus; also recognize that the ecological rehabilitation of waste residue is a very slow process, the need to quickly control Pollution and environmental improvement must be supplemented by manual measures to accelerate the process of ecological restoration.