有没有地铁、地铁线路有多长,是衡量一座大城市现代化水平的标志之一。不过,也有不同的声音。比如,前不久,就有人撰文对时下很多城市建设地铁表示担忧,呼吁地铁建设不能搞“大跃进”。 4月3日,上海社会科学院城市化发展研究中心推出了一份《长三角城市群综合竞争力(2005年版)评价报告》,在这份报告中,长三角16个城市综合竞争力排在前6位的依次是:上海、苏州、无锡、杭州、南京、宁波。这6个城市,恰恰也正是已经建成或者有意建设城市轨道交通的城市。
There is no subway, subway line how long, is a measure of the modernization of a big city one of the signs. However, there are different voices. For example, not long ago, some people wrote an article expressing concern about the construction of many subways in many cities nowadays and called for the construction of the subway not to engage in “the Great Leap Forward.” On April 3, the Center for Urbanization Development of the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences launched a “Evaluation Report on the Comprehensive Competitiveness of the Yangtze River Delta Urban Agglomeration (2005 Edition)”. In this report, the comprehensive competitiveness of 16 cities in the Yangtze River Delta ranked in the top 6 in turn are: Shanghai, Suzhou, Wuxi, Hangzhou, Nanjing, Ningbo. These six cities are exactly the same cities that have already been built or are intended to build urban rail transit.