随着磁共振血管成像技术的不断发展成熟,由于其克服了传统的血管造影成像的碘电离辐射并具有无创性及无肾毒性等优越性在临床中受到医生与患者广泛接受与应用,但是由于三维动态增强磁共振血管成像(3D DCE-MRA)还处于不断的研究改善阶段,国内外学者通过各种实验研究不断更新技术并与DSA进行科学比较,期望它能在下肢血管成像中将来能完全取代DSA。本文对3D DCE-MRA成像技术的研究进展及临床应用予以综述。
With the continuous development of magnetic resonance imaging technology, due to overcome the traditional angiographic imaging of iodine ionizing radiation with non-invasive and no nephrotoxicity and other advantages in the clinic widely accepted by doctors and patients and applications, but due to Three-dimensional dynamic contrast enhanced MR angiography (3D-DCE-MRA) is still in the process of continuous improvement. Both domestic and foreign researchers continuously update the technology through various experimental studies and compare them with DSA in the hope of achieving complete in the lower extremity vascular imaging Replaces DSA. This article reviews the research progress and clinical application of 3D DCE-MRA imaging.