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没有一名员工是平庸的,所有的人都是优秀的。在财政紧张时期,奖励和认同成了鼓励员工做得更出色的、有效的、低成本的方法。惠普公司的一名工程师突然闯进经理办公室,宣称他已经找到公司为之奋斗好几个星期的一个问题的解决办法。经理高兴极了,他动手翻腾起他的办公桌,想要找出某种东西来表示对该工程师的成就的认可。最后,经理从自己的午餐盒中找出一根香蕉递给这个工程师,说:“干得好。祝贺你!”这位工程师开始感到很惊讶,但是这个“金色香蕉奖”立刻变成了一项授予一名具有创造性员工的最珍贵的荣誉。这就是奖励的力量。奖励其实不需要花费大量的金钱,也不拘限于传统的发放奖金或奖杯的 No one employee is mediocre and all people are excellent. In times of financial stress, rewards and recognition have become effective, low-cost methods that encourage employees to do better. One of Hewlett-Packard’s engineers suddenly broke into the manager’s office, claiming that he had found a solution to the problem for which the company had been fighting for weeks. The manager was very happy. He flipped up his desk and wanted to find something to express his recognition of the engineer’s achievements. Finally, the manager found a banana from his lunch box and handed it to the engineer. He said: “Well done! Congratulations!” The engineer began to be surprised, but this “Golden Banana Award” immediately Become one of the most precious honors awarded to a creative employee. This is the power of rewards. Rewards don’t actually need to spend a lot of money, nor are they limited to traditional bonuses or trophies.
目的探讨液基薄层细胞学检查(TCT)对宫颈癌早期诊断的临床意义。方法对6188例患者的TCT结果进行回顾性分析,并对比120例阴道镜下行多点活检的病理切片诊断结果。结果 NILM 5918