双克隆型MM很少见,仅占MM的1%以下[1]。MM引起的肾损伤极易与其他肾病患者混淆。我科遇到患高血压病7a伴蛋白尿误诊为高血压肾病1例,经实验室各项检查后确诊为双株IgA型MM,现分析如下。1病历摘要女,74岁。患高血压病7 a,近2个月反复胸闷、心前区不适,压迫堵塞感伴心悸,BP 160/210 mm Hg,HR 68次/min,律齐,未闻及病理性杂音。腹、肝、脾未见异常。平素无明显骨痛症状但易骨折
Dual clonal MM is rare, accounting for only 1% of MM [1]. Kidney damage caused by MM can be easily confused with other kidney disease patients. I met the department suffering from hypertension with proteinuria 7a misdiagnosed as hypertensive nephropathy in 1 case, after laboratory tests confirmed double strain IgA type MM, are analyzed as follows. 1 medical record summary female, 74 years old. Hypertension 7 a, repeated chest tightness in the past 2 months, precordial discomfort, pressure blockage with palpitations, BP 160/210 mm Hg, HR 68 beats / min, law Qi, and no pathological noise. Abdominal, liver, spleen no abnormalities. Usually no obvious symptoms of bone pain but easy to fracture