【摘 要】
We study N-cluster correlation functions in four-and five-dimensional (4D and 5D) bond percolation by extensive Monte Carlo simulation.We reformulate the transf
【机 构】
Hefei National Laboratory for Physical Sciences at Microscale and Department of Modern Physics,Unive
We study N-cluster correlation functions in four-and five-dimensional (4D and 5D) bond percolation by extensive Monte Carlo simulation.We reformulate the transfer Monte Carlo algorithm for percolation[Phys.Rev.E 72,016126 (2005)]using the disjoint-set data structure,and simulate a cylindrical geometry Ld-1 × ∞,with the linear size up to L =512 for 4D and 128 for 5D.We determine with a high precision all possible N-cluster exponents,for N =2 and 3,and the universal amplitude for a logarithmic correlation function.From the symmetric correlator with N =2,we obtain the correlationlength critical exponent as 1/v=1.4610(12) for 4D and 1/v =1.737(2) for 5D,significantly improving over the existing results.Estimates for the other exponents and the universal logarithmic amplitude have not been reported before to our knowledge.Our work demonstrates the validity of logarithmic conformal field theory and adds to the growing knowledge for high-dimensional percolation.
2012年,一年一度的西敏寺犬展(Westminster Dog Show)在美国纽约麦迪逊花园广场酒店如期举行.自1877年开展以来,无论美国政局是战是和、经济是荣是衰,西敏寺犬展都从未中断过
在“浪漫之都”巴黎,有这样一所大学,它不仅是欧洲最古老的大学之一,还是牛津、剑桥等著名大学建校的蓝本,被誉为“欧洲大学之母”。这就是巴黎大学。跌宕的办学历史 产生于中世纪的巴黎大学是法国大学的代表,也是现代大学的根,历史悠久,享誉盛名。该校几乎和意大利的博洛尼亚大学同时成立,并称为世界上最古老的大学。数百年声名显赫的历史使巴黎大学成为法兰西民族的荣耀,被称为“传播法兰西精神最活跃的发源地”。
“我静静地等待着,一个崭新的日子正步步来临.总有一天,我们的娃娃,全中国每家每户的娃娃们都能每天吃上担担面,吃上赖 汤圆.”rn这段话来自电影《邓小平·1928》中邓小平在
Percolation is the process where connections from link to link in random systems leads to clustering and long-range connectivity.A standard model of percolation