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《救亡日报》是上海市文化界救亡协会于1937年8月24日在上海创办的机关报。社长郭沫若,总编辑夏衍。报纸广开言路,报道各党各派、各种政治力量的抗日主张和活动,宣传坚持抗战、团结进步,反对投降、分裂、倒退。不少著名政治家、学者、文化人为报纸撰稿,很受读者欢迎,影响遍及西南、华南各省与海外。这份报纸从创刊到1941年2月28日停刊,其间复刊二次,三次迁移社址,体现了文化人士坚持宣传抗战保家卫国不屈不挠的精神。《救亡日报》与广州有着密不可分的关系,第一次复刊就是在广州,但相关记载史料不多,现存的描述也简 “Salvation Daily” is the organ of the Shanghai Cultural Salvation Association founded in Shanghai on August 24, 1937. President Guo Moruo, chief editor Xia Yan. The newspapers openly talked about the anti-Japanese ideas and activities of various parties, various political forces and various political forces. They propagandized the war of resistance, unity and progress, and opposed the surrender, the division and the retrogression. Many well-known politicians, academics and cultural writers contribute to the newspaper. They are very popular with readers and affect the provinces of Southwest and South China and overseas. The newspaper started its publication from the start of publication on February 28, 1941, and reprinted between the two times and three times during the relocation of the site, demonstrating the perseverance and perseverance of the cultural workers advocating the war against the Japanese. “Salvation Daily” and Guangzhou are inextricably linked, the first resumption is in Guangzhou, but the relevant records of historical data, the existing description of Jane
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通过对<伤寒论>的学习,对张仲景寒热并调的学术思想进行探讨,分析归纳其中1 8首方剂,并略谈本人的学习、实践体会,认为寒热并调的学术思想,现在仍广泛、有效地运用于临床,指