,Did maize domestication and early spread mediate the population genetics of corn leafhopper?

来源 :中国昆虫科学(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:douliangster
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Investigating how crop domestication and early farming mediated crop attributes,distributions,and interactions with antagonists may shed light on today’s agricultural pest problems.Crop domestication generally involved artificial selection for traits desirable to early farmers,for example,increased productivity or yield,and enhanced qualities,though invariably it altered the interactions between crops and insects,and expanded the geographical ranges of crops.Thus,some studies suggest that with crop domestication and spread,insect populations on wild crop ancestors gave rise to pestiferous insect populations on crops.Here,we addressed whether the emergence of c leafhopper (Dalbulus maidis) as an agricultural pest may be associated with domestication and early spread of maize (Zea mays mays).We used AFLP markers and mitochondrial COI sequences to assess population genetic structuring and haplotype relationships among c leafhopper samples from maize and its wild relative Zea diploperennis from multiple locations in Mexico and Argentina.We uncovered seven com leafhopper haplotypes contained within two haplogroups,one haplogroup containing haplotypes associated with maize and the other containing haplotypes associated with Z.diploperennis in a mountainous habitat.Within the first haplogroup,one haplotype was predominant across Mexican locations,and another across Argentinean locations;both were considered pestiferous.We suggested that the divergence times of the maize-associated haplogroup and of the pestiferous haplotypes are correlated with the chronology of maize spread following its domestication.Overall,our results support a hypothesis positing that maize domestication favored c leafhopper genotypes preadapted for exploiting maize so that they became pestiferous,and that with the geographical expansion of maize farming,c leafhopper colonized Z.diploperennis,a host exclusive to secluded habitats that serves as a refuge for archaic c leafhopper genotypic diversity.Broadly,our results help explain the extents to which crop domestication and early spread may have mediated the emergence of today’s agricultural pests.
葡萄根瘤蚜(Daktulosphaira vitifoliae Fitch)曾给欧洲葡萄园造成过毁灭性危害。2005年我国再次发现根瘤蚜,严重威胁我国自根扦插繁殖的葡萄产业,我国葡萄产业正面临着19世纪末