华盛顿专电 “星球大战”,这个充满神秘色彩的名词,使人联想到英国著名作家威尔斯描写“外星人”入侵的科学幻想小说。但是,最近两年来,这个在美国颇为流行的名词,却包含了完全不同的涵义。 “星球大战”计划是美国总统里根一九八三年提出的“战略防御倡议”的别名,这是一项牵涉到多种尖端科技、规模庞大的计划,预计从一九八五年到一九八九年完成。里根总统要求在五年内为这项
Washington specializes in “Star Wars,” a term full of mystery, reminiscent of the well-known British writer Wells description of “alien” invasion of science fiction. However, in the recent two years, this very popular term in the United States contains completely different meanings. The Star Wars project is an alias for the “Strategic Defense Initiative” proposed by the U.S. President Reagan in 1983. It is a large-scale project involving a variety of cutting-edge technologies. It is estimated that from 1985 to 19 Completed in 1989. President Reagan demanded this for five years