这是世界屋脊——青藏大草原上的赛马。一群齐唰唰的藏族男子,肩背杈子枪,脸色严峻如岩石,深陷的眼窝里闪烁深邃的光,高颧骨放着高原人粗犷的豪气。他们身旁,是一色的雄骏牡马。人马俱昂首挺立、石雕似的肃穆庄严。煨桑青烟,在他们肩后袅袅飘升。远处,晴空丽日下,雪山洁白似玉,大草原碧绿如茵。 “嘟呜——”开赛的螺号震动了整个草原。瞧,石破天惊地爆发了! 在全场“给嘿嘿!”“给嘿嘿——”的狂欢中,无数人马万箭齐发。人影,马影,交错
This is the roof of the world - horse racing on the Tibetan prairie. A group of Tibetan men, all together, shouldered their shoulders and made guns. Their faces were grim, such as rocks. Their eyes were deep and deep, and the cheekbones stood tall and bold. Beside them, is a one-color male Chun. Heads are all standing tall, stone solemn like solemn. Simmer smoke green smoke, curl up and fly in their shoulders. In the distance, under the clear sky, the snow-capped white jade, prairie green. “Duo - ” start the whistle shake the entire grassland. Look, the stone broke out in shock! In the audience “to hey! ” “To hey - -” in the carnival, countless people Ma Wanjian Qi fat. Silhouette, Ma Ying, staggered