南翔,旧称槎溪,梁天监四年(公元505年)建成白鹤南翔寺(后称云翔寺),因寺成镇,取名南翔。唐开成年间僧行齐主持寺庙,拓展寺务,期间寺基占地180余亩,建成大小舍宇数百间,僧人700有余。以后历代僧人陆续将寺基出卖,逐渐衰弱。云翔寺毁于战火,那是咸丰6年(1856年)太平天国战争期间的事了。 大殿前原有两座石经幢,东西相峙。经幢为唐咸通8
Nanxiang, formerly known as Sui River, Liang Tianjian four years (AD 505) built Baihe Nanxiang Temple (later called Yunxiang Temple), due to Temple into the town, named Nanxiang. During the Tang Dynasty, the monks practiced the monasticism and extended the temples. During this period, the monastery occupied more than 180 acres and built hundreds of monasteries and more than 700 monks. After successive monks sell Temple gradually, gradually weakened. Yunxiang Temple destroyed in the war, it was Xianfeng six years (1856) during the Taiping war. There are two original stone hall before the main building, things and things. Stone by the Tang Xian Tong 8