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门诊是医院的窗口,是医院与病人接触最早、最多和最广泛的场所。也正是由于门诊工作忙这一特点,使很多单位的门诊部只忙于日常工作而忽视了科研工作。作者愿就门诊如何重视科研工作谈几点体会。 1 转变观念,形成共识 门诊部是医院的重要组成部分,是医院的“窗口”单位。在医院建设和为部队服务、为伤病员服务中占有极其重要的地位和发挥着越来越重要的作用。在当今世纪之交,面对信息化和知识经济发展时代的挑战,在市场经济竞争日趋激烈、国家医疗卫生保障制度不断改革 The outpatient clinic is the window of the hospital. It is the earliest, most and most extensive place for the hospital to contact the patient. It is precisely because of the busy working experience of outpatients that many outpatient clinics are only busy with their daily work and neglect their scientific research work. The author would like to discuss how the clinic cares about scientific research. 1 Changing Concepts and Forming Consensus The outpatient department is an important part of the hospital and is the “window” unit of the hospital. It plays an increasingly important role in the construction of hospitals, the service of troops, and the service of the sick and wounded. At the turn of the century, in the face of the challenges of the era of informationization and the development of a knowledge-based economy, competition in the market economy has become increasingly fierce, and the national health and medical security system has been continuously reformed.
近年随着肿瘤的高发磷脂酶A2(phospholipase A2,PLA2)逐渐引起人们的广泛关注,越来越多的研究表明PLA2是一个与肿瘤发生密切相关的炎症因子,其生物学变异小,特异性高,很少受其他炎症
1 确定成本科室 将医院所有的业务及行政后勤科室(含班组)按照医院几年内的发展方向,划分为106个责任成本科室。其中:①门诊临床成本科室19个;②病区成本科室19个;③医技成