解题,就是从问题的已知条件出发,挖掘和检索条件所给予的信息,使问题得以解决的思维过程。在解题中,正确的审题是使问题得以顺利解决的先决条件。但学生在审题时易受各种因素干扰,使获得的解题信息失真,导致解题错误。本文拟从干扰因素的成因去分析,探究其根本原因,以增强学生的思维免疫力。1 知识盲区,无所适从
The problem-solving problem is starting from the known conditions of the problem, excavating and retrieving the information given by the conditions so that the problem can be resolved. In the problem-solving, the correct questioning is the precondition for the smooth resolution of the problem. However, students are vulnerable to various factors in the examination of the questions, so that the information obtained in solving problems is distorted, resulting in incorrect solutions. This article intends to analyze the causes of interference factors and explore its root causes in order to enhance students’ thinking and immunity. 1 Knowledge of blind areas, nothing to follow