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《黑夜三圣人》取材于《圣经》。传说耶稣诞生时,东方国(地中海以东的国家)耶路撒冷的巫师们,赶去看望耶稣和他的母亲玛利亚。他们跪例在耶稣和圣母的脚下,顶礼膜拜,并打开宝箱,取出黄金、神香、没药树树脂三件礼品,献给耶稣和圣母。黄金象征皇帝,神香象征上帝,没药树象征人类。后人传说,当时谒见耶稣的是三位巫师,即三圣人。他们分别代表亚洲,非洲,欧洲。《黑夜三圣人》采用窝意的手法,表达作者对光明、温暖的世界的向往。二次世界大战以后,世界仿佛处于一片黑暗之中,到处是饥饿和寒冷。人们在寻求希望和人性。小说中描写的婴儿便是生命、希望和人性的象征。他虽出世不久,但生气勃勃,完美无缺。三位黑夜来客,饱经战争创伤、肢体不全,然而他们的心灵却充满人性。他们是被毁坏的绝望的一代,从黑暗中来,又回到黑暗中去。在新生儿家里短暂的逗留,意味着他们试图挣脱冰冷的、无人性的绝境,领略一下人间的温暖。小说开始的基调是黑暗,但炉火的光芒划破冬夜的黑暗,照亮了人间。结尾充满乐观和希望,坚信光明幸福的明天一定会来临。在行文中作者使用标点符号有其特点,对话均不用引号,译文按上述特点处理。 The Three Saints of the Night is based on the Bible. It is said that when Jesus was born, the wizards of Jerusalem in the Eastern kingdom (east of the Mediterranean) rushed to visit Jesus and his mother, Mary. They knelt at the feet of Jesus and the Virgin, worshiped, opened the chest, and took out three gifts of gold, sage, and myrrh resin, to Jesus and the Virgin. Golden emblem of the emperor, Shen Xiang symbolizes God, Myrrh tree symbolizes humanity. Descendants of the legend said that at that time, Jesus, who was seeing Jesus, was three wise men, the Three Saints. They represent Asia, Africa and Europe respectively. “The Three Saints of the Night” adopted Woye means to express the author’s longing for a bright and warm world. After World War II, the world seemed to be in darkness, full of hunger and cold. People are looking for hope and humanity. The baby described in the novel is a symbol of life, hope, and humanity. Although he was born soon, but full of vitality, perfect. Three night visitors, war-torn war, limbs incomplete, but their hearts are full of humanity. They are destroying and desperate generations, coming from darkness and back into the darkness. A brief stay in a newborn’s home means that they are trying to break free from the cold, unmanned desperation and enjoy the warmth of humankind. The tone of the beginning of the novel is dark, but the light of the fire cuts through the darkness of winter night, illuminating the earth. The end is full of optimism and hope, firmly believe that bright and happy tomorrow will come. The authors use punctuation in the text has its own characteristics, the dialogue without quotes, the translation according to the above characteristics.
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