198 6~ 1993年连续 8a,设置三角量水堰 ,对千岛湖常绿阔叶林的水文动态进行了定位观测。结果表明 :在年降水量 140 9.9mm与年蒸发量 90 7.8mm的气候条件下 ,以苦槠、石栎为建群树种组成的 10 .8hm2常绿阔叶林 ,小流域年均水流量平均每公顷达 4 0 79m3 ,折合降水量为4 0 7.9mm,占全年降水量的 2 8.9%。常绿阔叶林小流域 ,在多雨季节日水流量为 10 8~ 15 8m3 ,少雨季节为 6 8~ 86 m3 ,干旱季节少于 4 0 m3 ,最少的一天水流量为 7.9m3 。常绿阔叶林细水长流、终年不断 ,水源涵养功能显著 ,具有长期而稳定的水文生态效益
198 6 ~ 1993 consecutive 8a, the triangular water weir set to measure the hydrological dynamic Qiandao Lake evergreen broad-leaved forest observation. The results showed that under the climatic conditions of 140 9.9 mm annual precipitation and 90 7.8 mm annual evapotranspiration, the 10.8hm2 evergreen broad-leaved forest consisted of Fraxinus and Lithocarpus as the dominant species, the average annual average flow of small watershed Per hectare up to 4 0 79m3, equivalent to precipitation of 4 0 7.9mm, accounting for 2 8.9% of the annual rainfall. In the small-scale evergreen broad-leaved forest, the daily water flow is 108 ~ 158m in the rainy season, 68 ~ 86m in the dry season, less than 40m in the dry season and 7.9m3 in the least one day. The evergreen broad-leaved forest continues to develop continuously throughout the year with significant water conservation functions and long-term and stable hydrological and ecological benefits