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总是听说成人高考、高中会考的考场是一道奇特的“风景”,我因连续做了几年的毕业班“把关”教师,失去了许多做监考官的机会,故没能亲自“领略”其中的奥妙。但我却目睹过考试过后遍地雪白的“壮观”场面,也曾见过大胆的考生在楼道里堂而皇之地打手机,还曾被参加成人高考的朋友邀请“帮忙”(我拒绝了)。那些做过监考官的老师不无感慨地说,考场上“敌情”不断,让你防不胜防,监那样的场简直就是对自己精神的折磨和心灵的煎熬。我想,事情还不会糟糕到如此地步吧,如果我做了监考官,一定会明察 I have always heard that the entrance to the Adult High School Entrance Examination and the High School Entrance Examination is a peculiar “scenery.” I failed to “appreciate” many of the graduating class “gatekeepers” One of the wonderful. However, I witnessed the snow-white “spectacular” scene after the examination. I had also seen daring candidates call their cellphones in the corridor and invited “friends” who participated in the adult college entrance examination (I refused). Those teachers who have done the examiner said without hesitation that the “hostile” on the examination room keeps on guarding you so hard that the field is simply a torture of your own spirit and a torment of the soul. I think things will not be so bad to it, if I do the examiner, I will certainly understand
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