Falconbridge Laboratories in Canada has developed a flotation process that utilizes pyrithione-diethylenetriamine combinations to inhibit pyrrhotite from separation from pentlandite and chalcopyrite. It is difficult for DETA to separately produce flotation selectivity for samples with higher redox potential in the pulp stream taken from a select or pilot plant. However, DETA was found to work well with lab-prepared samples under certain conditions. Thermodynamic calculations show that iron and xanthogen can be produced in an oxidizing environment when sufficient amounts of xanthate and DETA are present, consistent with the poor suppressive effect. Likewise, pyrite alone can be difficult to suppress with sulfur dioxide alone. However, the use of a combination of agents effectively separates pyrrhotite from nickel yellow ore and chalcopyrite. This article mentions all aspects of this selective flotation system and discusses the possible mechanisms of action.