【摘 要】
Imagine the Greek goddess Medusa was real, not a myth,and that she visited an Arizona forest in the prehistoric past,turning many of the trees to stone with her magical gaze.
Imagine the Greek goddess Medusa was real, not a myth,and that she visited an Arizona forest in the prehistoric past,turning many of the trees to stone with her magical gaze.
作为世界上最成功的玩具,芭比娃娃的影响力已经超越了普通的玩具概念,在大众心理和文化领域产生了深远的影响。在美国,“芭比”已经成为了一个可以进行多重解析的文化符号,成为了一门“社会学”。 The Barbie doll is the best selling fashion doll of alltime. Mattel Corp., the producer of the doll, estim
杨小辰 译 一组有趣的数字:狮子一昼夜用2-3个小时觅食,其余时间都用来睡觉。相反,食草动物一昼夜吃草的时间达16-18小时,只有约3小时在睡觉。而有些动物根本不睡觉,例如,鲨鱼。
A first grade teacher collected some well known proverbs. For a quiz, she gave each child in her class the first half of a proverb and asked them to come up with the remainder of the proverb. It's ha
One cookie left. Only one sweet, tantalizing, perfect cookie left. It's the unspoken2 prize that everyone wants and no one will take. It would be so simple for me just to grab it.I mean, it is barely
汤宝莉 译 蝌蚪生活在水里,用鳃呼吸;长大成了青蛙,肺就代替了鳃,主要以肺呼吸。可是科学家们在印尼却发现了一种没有肺的青蛙。它们是自顾冬眠忘了进化还是已经搭上化的列车先行一步了呢?
Teenagers are committing more crimes, with a year-on-year rise of 13 percent since 2000, and children of migrant workers are primarily responsible.According to Shao Wenhong, Head of the Research Burea
郑 斌 译 《环游世界80天》是法国作家儒勒·凡尔纳最受欢迎的一部小说。主人公福格为赢得一次打赌,即在80天内环绕地球一圈,争分夺秒地赶路。他搭乘火车、轮船、大象和热气球,以坚定的意志展开一波又一波冒险,克服无数自然和人为的障碍,途经土耳其、印度、中国和美国,终于如期返回伦敦。凡尔纳是19世纪法国著名的科幻小说和冒险小说作家,被誉为“科幻小说之父”,他的故事生动幽默,妙语横生,能激发人们尤其