Dependence of the dynamic viscosity of new type of Fe-based amorphous alloy (Fe6s.5Si13.5BgCu1 Nb3C5 ) melt on temperature is investigated by using a torsional oscillation viscometer. The temperature dependence of the viscosity can be fitted by the Arrhenius relation and Fulcher expression as lnη = 0.082 + 1463.48/T and lng= 6.75 × 10-5 + 954.71/(T - 608.36), where ηis the viscosity in units of cP and T is the temperature in units of K. The results show that the Arrhenius relation is more suitable in high temperature region, while the Fulcher expression is more appropriate in undercooled region. Combining the Differential scanning calorimetry data and free-volume model, the glass forming ability of Fe68.5Si13.5B9Cu1 Nb3C5 alloy is discussed.