辛亥革命与中国共产党领导的新民主主义革命 ,同为 2 0世纪上半叶中国历史上发生的伟大的革命运动。历史不能割断 ,进步的事业总是承前启后的。辛亥革命与中国共产党人的关系 ,是一个值得重视和研究的课题。参加建党和早期加入中国共产党的老一代革命家 ,几乎无一例外地参加过?
The 1911 Revolution and the new-democratic revolution led by the Chinese Communist Party are the same as the great revolutionary movements that took place in the history of China in the first half of the 20th century. History can not be cut off, and the progress of the cause is always carried forward. The relationship between the 1911 Revolution and the Chinese Communists is a subject worthy of attention and research. Almost without exception, the older generation of revolutionaries who participated in the founding of the People’s Republic of China and earlier joined the Chinese Communist Party?