人类活动的持久质量必须在工程设计阶段进行策划。质量不是偶然产生的结果,在没有特定意图的情况下,它是不会产生的。熵的自然法则指出,人类所有的工程质量随着时间的推移都会降低,从而导致工程用途和性能的降低。这意味着,对有形资产如厂房和生产设备的投资,如果没有很好地设计和精心维护,时间就会使它们失去价值,就会浪费最初投资开发这些功能的社会资产。本文阐述了如何通过负责任的工程设计活动,有意识地采取控制设计质量的措施,避免此类社会浪费。“,”Enduring quality in human activities must be planned during the design phase of their construction; it cannot occur without the existence of speciifc intent as quality is not the out-come of accidental occurrence. The natural law of entropy implies that the quality of all human constructions will decline overtime and this degradation will result in decreased performance and capability. This means that the investments that are made in tangible assets such as the plant and its production equipment will lose value over time if they are not designed carefully and main-tained in a condition of excellence. To do otherwise is to waste the assets of the social system which invested in developing these capabilities in the ifrst place. This paper will describe how to avoid such social waste by taking a conscious approach to managing the design of quality through responsible engineering practices..