据中国有关部门统计 ,全球47个国家的200多个博物馆中 ,?中国文物不下百万件。南京艺术学院林树中教授称 :经过十多年的实地考察和文献查考 ,仅中国流失海外的名画有2 .3万件。就绘画而言 ,美国大都会博物馆所藏中国绘画最多 ,大英博物馆所藏中国绘画最精。瓷器方面 ,
According to statistics from relevant departments in China, more than 200 museums in 47 countries around the world Chinese cultural relics no less than one million pieces. Professor Lin Shuzhong of Nanjing Arts Institute said: After more than a decade of site visits and literature review, only 23,000 paintings were lost overseas. As far as painting is concerned, the United States Metropolitan Museum has the largest collection of Chinese paintings, and the British Museum contains the largest collection of Chinese paintings. Porcelain,