根据卫生部(83)卫生防劳字第341号文件,全国卫生标准技术委员会职业病诊断标准分委员会于1983年11月16日至19日在杭州举行第二次全体会议,到会者有分委会委员,各课题负责单位代表、特邀代表及有关部门人员共三十多人.会议的任务是审议一批新的职业病诊断标准,并讨论加速卫生标准的研制等问题. 会议共审议了尘肺、急性氯气中毒、含氟聚合物单体及热裂解物急性中毒、铍病、慢性氯丙烯中毒、局部振动病和四乙基铅中毒等7项诊断标准.其中除尘肺是修订标准外,其余6项都是首次制订的。审议结果,除四乙基铅中毒诊断标准推荐为参
According to the Ministry of Health (83) SHLF No. 341, the National Committee for Standards of Technical Standards for Occupational Diseases Diagnostic Standards Sub-Committee held its second plenary session in Hangzhou from November 16 to November 19, 1983 with the participation of the sub-committee A total of more than 30 people will be members of the unit responsible for each subject, invited representatives and relevant departments, the task of the meeting is to review a number of new diagnostic criteria for occupational diseases and to discuss such issues as accelerating the development of health standards, etc. The meeting reviewed a total number of pneumoconiosis , Acute chlorine poisoning, fluoropolymer monomer and pyrogen acute poisoning, beryllium disease, chronic allyl chloride poisoning, local vibration disease and tetraethyl lead poisoning diagnostic criteria such as 7. Among them, the dust lung is the revised standards, the rest Six items were first formulated. Deliberation, in addition to tetraethyl lead poisoning diagnostic criteria recommended as reference