目的探讨乌鲁木齐地区腹泻病的发生频率和流行规律。方法按新疆维吾尔自治区统一监测方案,采用定点监测、疫情旬报、典型病人大便培养以及外环境定时定点采样进行分离培养。结果 2010年5月1日~10月31日,乌鲁木齐市76个监测点,累计报告腹泻病患者20259例,报告发病率为802.74/10万,与2009年同期相比,发病率上升15.44%;6~8月发病处于高峰,病例多集中于0~5岁年龄组;以散居儿童居多;市区河坝水、自来水、公厕混合便、食品以及苍蝇中均未监测到霍乱弧菌流行菌株。结论 2010年乌鲁木齐市辖区内未发生腹泻病流行或暴发疫情,但腹泻病发病率仍高于全疆平均水平,应加强腹泻病监测工作。
Objective To investigate the frequency and prevalence of diarrhea in Urumqi. Methods According to the unified monitoring plan of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, fixed-point monitoring, epidemic outbreak reporting, typical patient stool culture and external environment fixed-point sampling were used for isolation and culture. Results From May 1 to October 31, 2010, a total of 20 259 cases of diarrhea were reported in 76 monitoring sites in Urumqi. The reported incidence was 802.74 / 100 000, up 15.44% compared with the same period of 2009. From June to August, the incidence peaked. The cases were mostly concentrated in the 0-5 age group. Most of the scattered children lived. No epidemic strains of Vibrio cholerae were detected in river dam water, tap water, public toilet mix, food and flies. Conclusion No epidemic or outbreak of diarrheal disease occurred in Urumqi in 2010, but the incidence of diarrheal disease is still above the average level in Xinjiang and the monitoring of diarrheal diseases should be strengthened.