
来源 :预算管理与会计 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fakejay
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2008年以来,在国内外经济形势和外贸出口退税等政策变动的多重影响下,国内的出口企业出现了较大的困难,作为外贸依存度非常高的宁波市,受其影响更为严重,出口企业面临的困难更大。在当前企业资金紧张,利润普遍下降的不利环境中,出口退税资金成为企业的重要资金来源和利润所在,其资金到位的快慢对企业产生重大的影响。为此,我们会同市国税局、市外经贸局等专门走进不同类型出口企业进行了调查和解剖。以期找出加快和完善出口退税办理速度的办法和措施。 Since 2008, under the multiple influences of the economic situation at home and abroad and the export tax rebate policy of foreign trade, the domestic export enterprises have experienced great difficulties. As a highly dependent foreign trade city, Ningbo is more severely affected by its export. Enterprises face more difficulties. In the current corporate capital constraints, the general decline in profits adverse environment, the export tax rebate funds become an important source of funds and profits of enterprises, the speed of their funds in place a significant impact on the business. To this end, we will conduct an investigation and dissection together with the State Administration of Taxation, the Municipal Bureau of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation and other specialized export enterprises of different types. With a view to finding ways and measures to speed up and improve the processing speed of export tax rebates.
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