目的了解上海市近年重点孕妇(即存在妊娠风险孕妇)现状,分析孕产妇保健服务的关键问题和薄弱环节,提出改进措施和干预手段。方法对2010-2014年上海市不同户籍孕妇妊娠风险构成及不同程度妊娠风险构成情况、不同户籍孕妇的妊娠风险检出率及不同程度妊娠风险孕妇的检出率、妊娠风险疾病顺位情况进行回顾性分析。结果 2010-2014年上海市孕妇的妊娠风险检出率逐年上升趋势明显,2014年孕妇的妊娠风险发生率较2010年上升1.5倍;妊娠风险程度以低风险为主,高风险孕妇占6.67%,低风险孕妇(即黄色风险)占93.33%;高风险的疾病谱主要以严重的妊娠合并症和并发症为主,危及生命的红色风险的疾病主要是心脏病和肾脏疾病;威胁母婴安全的橙色风险的疾病主要为糖尿病及甲状腺疾病、羊水过多和前置胎盘;紫色风险的传染性疾病为梅毒、急性肝炎等;低风险以固定因素的异常为主,依次为瘢痕子宫、体质指数(BMI)>24、年龄≥35岁、不良孕产史等。结论近年上海市孕妇妊娠风险呈逐年上升趋势明显的同时,出现了新的特点。
Objective To understand the status quo of key pregnant women in Shanghai in recent years (ie pregnant women at risk of pregnancy), analyze the key problems and weak links in maternal health care, and propose measures for improvement and interventions. Methods From 2010 to 2014, Shanghai pregnant women with different domicile of pregnancy risk composition and different levels of risk of pregnancy, pregnant women of different domicile rates of pregnancy and pregnant women with varying degrees of pregnancy risk detection rate, pregnancy risk prevalence of disease status review Sexual analysis. Results The pregnancy risk of pregnant women in Shanghai from 2010 to 2014 showed a trend of rising year by year. The incidence of pregnant women in 2014 was 1.5 times higher than that in 2010. The risk of pregnancy was low risk, the high risk pregnant women accounted for 6.67% Low-risk pregnant women (yellow risk) accounted for 93.33%; high-risk disease spectrum mainly in severe pregnancy complications and complications, the risk of life-threatening red diseases are mainly heart disease and kidney disease; threats to maternal and child safety The risk of orange diseases are mainly diabetes and thyroid disease, polyhydramnios and placenta previa; purple risk of infectious diseases such as syphilis, acute hepatitis; low risk fixed factors, followed by scar uterus, body mass index BMI)> 24, age 35 years old, poor history of pregnancy and so on. Conclusions In recent years, pregnant women in Shanghai showed a trend of pregnancy increasing year by year at the same time, new features emerged.